They had a blast opening their presents!
Birthday Family On Sunday, their birthday, we woke up and had their favorite food for breakfast….waffles =) (eggos…they prefer those to homemade!) And as tradition has, took each of their pictures at their exact birth times… 9:26am
And just a silly side note…the kids got their first 5 seconds of fame on their 2nd bday! The TV channel we watch with all our favorite shows is called Sprout. Every day, they set aside a few 5 minute segments to show birthday cards that were created for the kids having birthdays on that day and then they sing the birthday song. So for a long time, my kids have been able to say “happy birthday” because they hear it quite often! So this year, I made them a sprout card, and it was actually shown on TV on their bday! We didn’t see it live, but I recorded the day’s worth of shows and josh went through and found it! I video taped it, but now still have to figure out how to get it from the video camera into the computer so I can post it!! =) but here’s what the card looked like!
(colby wasn't thrilled to stand on the cabinet...and by the time it was zach's turn, he had run to the other side of the room!)
After that, we played with some of our new toys and straightened up to get ready for party #2, our ‘family’ party. I coaxed the kids away from all the new toys to go to the cookie store (Kroger) to pick up our cake, which turned out perfect! Again, some lunch and naps then it was party time again!
and on tv...Barney even wished them a happy that's big time!!Between naps and party (~15 minutes), the kids opened their presents from mommy and daddy…
Avery woke up from her nap SOAKED with sweat.....and no one had their pants on =) (the fun of 2 year olds has already begun!)
Colby was very serious about opening his basketball hoop!
Sweaty bday princess
Colby's new bat...
And golf club! Such a proud daddy moment!
And Zach is thrilled to have his OWN lawn mower!!
Then party #2 began! We did have some cooperation with the weather, but almost to the opposite extreme! It was in the mid 80’s! And of course, in an effort to cool off the house before the party I closed the windows and turned on the AC, just to discover 3 hours later that the AC wasn’t working! Thank goodness for ‘handy’ family members that could diagnose and fix the problem without too much hassle! But it was definitely warm! Again, another standard party…played outside, ate dinner, opened presents, ate cake and ice cream, then off to bed for everyone (esp and exhausted mama)!!
Who needs toys when there's a cooler with ice and water in it??
The birthday princess with 2 of her favorite men: