The babies turned 2 months old June 10th (even though adjusted they were only +6 days!) My friend Kristie was in town, and came over to celebrate their 2nd month with an adorable heart shaped cake! They loved it!! =) (and so did i!!)
in the past few weeks, a common question i get is 'how much do they weigh now?' well, we don't have a scale at home that is very accurate, so i always just based it on what they weighed at their last dr. appt on june 5th and added a little bit and estimated the boys were in the 8's and Avery was in the upper 7's.....and i found out i'm not a good judge of weight. zach went to the plastic surgeon yesterday to have a consultation for the removal of his skin tag (which will be taking place july 8th), and got weighed....NINE POUNDS AND FOUR OUNCES!!! holy cow!
so here in the next few weeks we will have outgrown the newborn size diapers, and most of the newborn size clothes! that's crazy! time is going by WAY too fast!!
here are the babies after their baths last week in their adorable pj's from my friend lindsey!
obviously, if they are growing that fast, they are eating a lot too! Colby's high is 5ml's under 6 ounces!! We are going to outgrow the little bottles before we know it!! They take their paci's well between meals if they get fussy, but this is the result of zach loosing his paci, and me not getting it back in his mouth fast enough!! (this will be good blackmail when he gets older!!)
also, a really good thing has started happening....a 5 hour stretch between feedings over night!!! while that doesn't mean 5 hours of sleep in a row yet, it does mean 3.5 or 4 (depending if i'm home alone or not!) in a row! the babies still sleep a lot between feedings...but the boys get very wiggly in the mornings and this is how i found Colby the other day when he woke up...
and in are a few more adorable pics of my babies!!
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